How to get my ombré lips
Good evening!
It's been a while. I created a makeup look that was actually pretty spontaneous. I am usually very planned but not this time around but for me that is a good thing this year because sometimes I get too planned up and get very little done because I want everything to be "perfect".
How to get my Ombre lips:
I tried something that I hadn't done before. I haven't been doing makeup for that long but I think it turned out pretty good. I used my mac ruby-woo lipstick and a black lipliner from Peggy Sage on the sides of my lips and just smacked my lips together to make it look more faded.
Why Ombre lips?
Ombré lips are great for those who want colour but are afraid or don't think a bright red for an example will look good on you. So a darker colour on the corners of your lips will turn it down a notch! But also if you feel like you want something different!
Hair: from, colored and styled by me :)
Makeup; By me