It fits my mood.
I have had a pretty messed up day and I don't really want to talk about it, but to get my mind offit I tought I should share a little blog post. It has been a while since I did a make up post and that isn't because I haven't been practicing, it's just I haven't had time to post the pictures for you guys. I am trying to upgrade in soo many ways so it is taking time so bare with me. It's nice that I have followers (that makes me happy) plus my boyfriend shaved his beard so I can see his handsome face (he just got home) so that makes me happy too hehe.
Here is a eye makeup that I did a week ago and it fits my mood today hahaha.
(FYI my hair is twisted just cause I was trying something out so don't pay attention to my permed ends. I know it looks horrible haha)