Makeup school 2: Bicolour technique
Hey !
Finally some time to relax...I just finished doing my makeup homework which was suppose to be in a few days ago, I'm not behind though because this was like an extra homework for those who have time. Time isn't something I really have these day when Azelia has just started preschool but make up makes me happy and I am eager to learn so of course I have to do any extra homework that comes my way.
Anyways to make it pretty short for you today.
This homework was just about being able to try out something called the bicolour technique.
This is about using a light colour on your lid and adding a darker colour on your outercorners (your outer v) but also your crease.
The lighter colour is suppose to give light (open your eyes) and a happy feeling to your look. The darker is to make your eye look smaller.
TIP: The secret to this is adding the dark colour in your crease and then out to the outer corner (is that what it's called haha)? Anyways the other secret is to put BLEND. If you are like me an instagram makeup freak, people are always talking about blending that shit, and that is true. The more you blend the better it will look. Makeup is basically being able to mix and match colours, but also if you can take a colour that is totally opposite to another and make them look like they where meant to be together and blending can help you a lot. If you can do that you are a hella good artist.
So this is my look that I did, I can do better than this, but I'm here to learn from scratch so I'm taking it easy so I don't miss anything.
SORRY ABOUT MY EYEBROWS hahaha I'm trying to grow out my hairs!