My look today. Happy belated birthday Bribri
Feeling like my inner hiphoper has been coming out these pass weeks, and I'm loving it.
it's comfortable and I getto go a likkle crazy haha.
Righ now I'm a home, waiting for esma to get her ass to town, yesterday was Sabrinas birthday (her daughter) and today is my day off, so we were thinking we could meet up, have a little something to eat like we usally do and give all our attention to little bribri haha.
Anyways, I was thinking of getting her somethig, probably a pair of shoes, but her mama, probably won't let me, but mi nah care haha, dat's my boo, and I'm gonna spoil her untill I get my own bunch.
So I just got the text I was waiting for so I gotta run, this is me today, no that often I post my outfits, but today I had the time, just black jeans (new that I love, they sit just right, from hm actually) and a tshirt, I got from Mr.H that I've used only once.
Smell ya later

They fit just right =)