Spa evening, my new nails and plans for today
Good mornig guys.
Today is sunday but it totally feels like SATURDAY... all thanks to the wonderful plans that a lot of my friends have today, ONELOVE CRUISE. I wish I could share everyday that I will be there with you, but I decided NOT to bring my computer with me. I'm not sure that it is even possible to get some internet while your at sea?? Probably not haha, but I will of course share it when I get home.
Anyways yesterday was really a physically hard day for me cause I was so tired and hung over haha. I had only one thing to eat yesterday and that was pizza and one thing to drink and that was fanta hahahaha. I really feel bad now, but when the body calls for it when your hung over you can't say no.
I went to bed really late yesterday, probably after 01.00 oclock. I woke up after nine and I am a bit tired, but hopefully it will go away in a couple of hours. I spent my evening packing for today and had a hard time deciding what to bring with me hahah. I'm so happy we are not gone for a week, cause I've packed like I'm going to be there forever.
I also washed my hair and trimmed it a bit. So It is looking really good. I used my redken smooth it down series to get it conditioned nicely and that I put in some sleek blow out cream into it. My colleague Therese who also cut it for me a few days ago is good with fake hair said that it works fantastic on hair that has a little frizz to it and needs some extra shine. SO I used it and my hair feels really soft. It's been tangle free from the begining but now it's silky.
So would recommend it. You put it in wet hair and blow dry it in while you use a smooth brush. You don't need so much just like a coin size.
I also had a facial mask yesterday, I'm not sure of the name, but it is fantastic too my face is still smooth.
I also wanted to share with you my fantastic nails that my nailartist Sarah didfor me on friday:
Thank you Sara.
I have to go I'm downloading some music then I have to take a shower and get to town to buy a few things for the cruise like makeup and so. Meeting up with Patricia around 12.0 then later on we are meeting the others to get our asses on the BOAT!!! wooho!
Smell ya lata!
Leopard print, Mjaaauu!

Who's the alien????

Song of the day, love it Ulmox: