Lesson learned
I'm at home right now just finish putting stuff together at home. Went shopping only bought must haves cause I am trying to save money, have a lot happening next year :)!
Today is a really good day, not just cause tonight is a DH night but also cause things have never been this good.
My sunday and monday/tuesday have really changed things in my life a lot haha, but in a freakin' positive way :)
Monday I made a stupid discission that I am happy I learned from cause we have to make mistakes to learn from them. I'm not sharing what cause It's personal.
All I can say is that sometimes when you don't feel like something or know that something isn't for you, TRUST that feeling and move on haha;)
Anyways, I know I promised to post my pictures from the MAESTRO ENT. 30 years Anniversary but my internet is acting up ;( Sorry can't do anything about that until a few days. But the pictures are really nice so it's worth waiting for.
Now It's time to eat and then I'm going to this dancehall event! Wanna come?: