Answering a readers question
" Are you competing in the MissAfricaSweden conteest, and where is it taking place? "
yes I will be competing in the MissAfricaSweden contest.
I just want to take this opportunity to sa that this is a total diffrent Missafricasweden, than the last one that a lot of people are familiar with that took place on a boat last year.
'This MissafricaSweden is founded by MaishaGalan and does NOT have a swimsuit act and the goal with it is to create rolemodles for young african girls. Also to be goodwill ambassadors for africa and represent africa in different events in mostly Sweden, but according to our personalites and personal goals.
The event is taking place on the 4th of June at Bryggarsalen in Odenplan, stockholm, if you want more infor click here to check out the event on FB : MISSAFRICASWEDEN 2011