Im losing it!
I am so tired. Oboy. I have started to sleep very late and wake up very early.
I really don't know why..hmm! But I'm not just losing sleep, but also my blogpost haha
I know I really suck right now. To be honest things are a bit unstable at the moment, I have been a little down and on my bday things did go a bit wrong, and I was pissed off....but that wasn't anyone in my private lifes fault.
I just need to think a little bit what I want to do with a couple of things in my life, chose the right path so I can start feeling happy again.
I am happy but something is disturbing me for sure and I need to turn it around.
Today I worked all day, and I came home around 21.00, I had a little something to eat (not too much, you know diet n all) and then I started working out, think I spent about 55mintues today on the machine, I really love it. I put on some dancehall music and OBOY! I was really hype:) I could workout more, but I have to to work tomorrow so I will need to hit the showers and wash my hair cause tomorrow there is no time :) Cause I'm going out with my peeps to celebrate my b-day yeeah I can't wait.
But I have to leave now.
operation wash my hair awaits.
Sleep tight yall!